The Nissan Xterra had none of the fancy luxury crap that bloated other SUVs. It was designed for athletes and adventurers who just wanted a rig to get them to whatever they wanted to do. For them, their truck was another tool in their bag, another thing that just helped them do their thing. So we created a campaign that showed the Xterra was anything you needed it to be. 

To keep things authentic, we only used real athletes, doing their own stunts. I think that shows in the film.


"Chairlift" :30


"Foghorn" :30


"Motel" :30


"Tripod" :30

The print campaign continued the utilitarian theme. As with the television, we only featured real athletes who performed all action themselves. (Click on an image to view larger.)

Even our outdoor boards were useful. This one displayed live surf reports from local breaks.